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50 recent changes in System Web retrieved at 00:17 (Local)

RedDotPlugin in System
RedDotPlugin This plugin renders a clickable red dot (.) to ease the edit access to a page. The red dot will only be visible if the current wikiuser has write acc...
ListyPlugin in System
ListyPlugin This plugin implements an interactive list manager. A "Listy" is a collection of text or links that can be maintained easily using modal dialogs, drag...
RenderPlugin in System
RenderPlugin Description This plugin implements three simple REST handlers to get content from Foswiki. For example, these can be used to easily replace a server...
NatSkin in System
The Natural Skin NatSkin improves your Foswiki experience by bringing together some of the most useful features from different plugins in a consistent way. NatSki...
MySideBar in System
Create a personalized sidebar navigation %IF{"$'MYSIDEBAR'='off'" then=" The sidebar feature is switched off. Set the MYSIDEBAR preference...
JazzyNoteTheme in System
JazzyNoteTheme Foswiki theme for NatSkin.
NatSkinPlugin in System
The Natural Skin Plugin Description This is the supplemental plugin for the NatSkin. Its main purpose is to supply "skin states" to control different styles and ...
WikiTopic in System
WikiTopic Default form for wiki topics Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes: Default: TopicTitle text 75 c
UserRegistrationViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% .jqGeneratePassword, .jqGeneratePassword:hover { text decoration:...
WebCreateNewWeb in System
: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs. ...
WebLinks in System
WebLinks Navigation links in the web. * * * * * * * *
SiteNothingFound in System
Do you want to create 'SiteNothingFound'?
SiteRightBar in System
SiteRightBar Default SiteRightBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteRightBar instead. %DBQUERY{ header="$n" footer="" format=" $expand(...
SiteSideBar in System
SiteSideBar Default SiteSideBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteSideBar instead.
SiteTopicActions in System
SiteTopicActions Default SiteTopicActions component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteTopicActions instead. %USERACTIONS{ guest="$action(share, SocialSharePlu...
SiteLinks in System
SiteLinks Default SiteLinks component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteLinks instead.
SiteMenu in System
SiteMenu Default SiteMenu component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteMenu instead. Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntIN...
SiteBottomBar in System
SiteBottomBar Default SiteBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteBottomBar instead. %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBLIST{ format="$name=$web" ma...
SiteHtmlHead in System
SiteHtmlHead Default SiteHtmlHead component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteHtmlHead instead.
NatSkinWebSearchViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{ ########################################################################### inherit settings from standard view template }% %{}% %{}% %{ ##############...
NatSkinWebTopicListViewTemplate in System
%{}% NatSkinWebTopicListViewTemplate .fltMakeIndexWrapper li { word break:break all; word break:break word; webkit hyphens: auto; moz hyphens: auto;...
NatSkinWikiGroupsViewTemplate in System
%{}% "}% %{}% %{}% %HTMLTITLE{ separator=" " format="$sep$webtitle$wikitoolname" }% %{}% %{}% %IF{"$'URLPARAM{group}' = ''" then="$percntTMPL:P{\"displaygr...
NatSkinWikiUsersViewTemplate in System
%{}%'UserForm$' %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : %{}% %{}% %SEARCH{ "" type="query" nonoise="on" separator="" format="$percntTMPL:P{\"userlist...
NatSkinUserViewTemplate in System
%{}% 120x150^ %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %IF{ "'System.NatSkinUserViewTemplate'/FirstName or 'System.%TOPIC'/LastName" then=" " else="" }% %{}% %{}% %RE...
NatSkin Style Browser in System
Style Browser Explore the style variations of the .NatSkin by changing the base style and a variation of it. In general, style variations are used to change not o...
NatSkinTypography in System
This topic gives you a short overview of the elements styled by NatSkin as well as the CSS classes being used to do so. Links * http://demo.gantry framework.o...
NatSkinConfiguration in System
NatSkinConfiguration Theme configuration The different NatSkin styles are controlled using preference variables and can be set * per user (on the user's hom...
NatSkinFAQ in System
NatSkinFAQ The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost! If you need help, there are a couple of options: * Create a support request on Foswiki:Support/WebH...
NatSkinResetPasswordViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% ** %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : ...
NatSkinChangeEmailAddressViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : * Set Email = %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% ...
NatSkinChangePasswordViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% " ty...
MimeIconPlugin in System
MimeIconPlugin This plugin tries to map known mime types commonly found on the internet to an icon set. There are not many icon sets that have a got coverage of m...
VarMIMEICON in System
#VarMIMEICON MIMEICON{"filename"} return a meaningful icon for this filename * Syntax: %MIMEICON{"filename"}% * Supported parameters: Parameter ...
BreadCrumbsPlugin in System
BreadCrumbsPlugin Description This plugin helps you to locate where you are, and shows you how you can escape from there using breadcrumbs navigation. Two types ...
TopicTitlePlugin in System
TopicTitlePlugin Note that use of this plugin Foswiki = 2.2.0 is not required. The purpose of this plugin is to backport the TopicTitle feature to earlier Fosw...
LexiconForm in System
LexiconForm Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes: String text 80 M English (en) text 80 German (de) tex...
MultiLingualPlugin in System
MultiLingualPlugin This plugin enables you to create wiki content in multiple languages. While Foswiki normally supports over 20 languages to internationalize its...
JQueryAjaxHelper in System
JQueryAjaxHelper This page contains a set of example JQueryPlugin helpers that can be used in wiki applications. The examples demonstrate how you can dynamically ...
JQueryAnimate in System
JQueryAnimate Summary %JQPLUGINS{"animate" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% A cross browser library of CS...
JQueryAutocomplete in System
JQueryAutocomplete %JQPLUGINS{"autocomplete" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Warning: This plugin is depre...
JQueryBgiframe in System
JQueryBgiframe %JQPLUGINS{"bgiframe" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% A jQuery plugin that helps ease the p...
JQueryBlockUI in System
JQueryBlockUI %JQPLUGINS{"blockui" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simu...
JQueryButton in System
JQueryButton %JQPLUGINS{"button" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This is a simple way to render nice butto...
50 topic(s) found

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