You are here: System » MimeIconPlugin » VarMIMEICON

MIMEICON{"filename"} -- return a meaningful icon for this filename

  • Syntax: %MIMEICON{"filename"}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    "filename" filenam or file extension to display an icon for required
    size="..." icon size; available sizes are depending on the icon set; common sizes are: 16, 32, 48, 64, 128 48; when the size isn't found in the icon set a best fitting size available will be chosen automatically
    theme="oxygen/crystal" name of the icon set to chose from; for now only these two are supported oxygen or defined in configure
    format="..." format string for the img tag returned by this macro; within the format string the variables %NAME%, %URL% and %SIZE% are replaced with the concrete values for the icon being rendered see mimeicon.theme.tmpl


video-x-generic.png video-x-generic.png video-x-generic.png video.png video.png video.png
application-pdf.png application-pdf.png application-pdf.png pdf.png pdf.png pdf.png
text-plain.png text-plain.png text-plain.png txt.png txt.png txt.png
application-zip.png application-zip.png application-zip.png zip.png zip.png zip.png
audio-x-generic.png audio-x-generic.png audio-x-generic.png sound.png sound.png sound.png
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