JQICON -- render an image

Renders an icon image as found on an icon search path. The icon search path is configured Extensions tab, JQueryPlugin sub-tab in {JQueryPlugin}{IconSearchPath} and defaults to FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons'. The named icon will be picked found first on this path of topics where icons are attached to. When the name of the icon starts with fa- like in fa-bold then icons are taken from the font-awesome iconset. Note that these icons use a different way to be inserted them into the page making resizable for one.


Parameter Description Default
"name" name of the icon to display  
class additional css class for the img tag  
animate can be one of bounce, burst, flash, float, horizontal, passing, pulse, ring, shake, spin, tada, vertical, wrench
alt   alt attribute
title title attribute  
style css style format to be added to the image element
format format string used to render the icon; known variables to be used in the format string are:
  • $iconName: name as given to the name parameter
  • $iconPath: url path
  • $iconClass: css class as specified by the class parameter
  • $iconStyle: css styles as specified by the style parameter
  • $iconAlt: alt attribute-value; if the alt parameter to JQICON is set, this expands to alt='...'
  • $iconTitle: title attribute-value; if the title parameter to JQICON is set, this expands to title='...'
<img src='$iconPath' class='$iconClass' $iconAlt$iconTitle/>
Example for famfamfam icons:
%JQICON{"tick" alt="alternative content" title="this is a tick icon"}%
%JQICON{"heart" animate="bounce"}%
Produces: alternative content cross disk star lightbulb camera date heart Example for font-awesome icons:
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:1em;color:#00BF00"}%
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:2em;color:#0FAF0F"}%
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:3em;color:#1F9C1F"}%
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:4em;color:#2D812D"}%
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:5em;color:#315C31"}%

JQICONPATH, ICON, JQueryPlugin, FamFamFamSilkIcons
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