
%TMPL:DEF{"title"}%%HTMLTITLE{"%MAKETEXT{"Change e-mail address"}%" separator=" %IF{"defined 'HTMLTITLESEP'" then="%HTMLTITLESEP%" else="-"}% "}%%TMPL:END%
}% Change e-mail address

%TMPL:DEF{"content"}%<!-- -->
---+ %MAKETEXT{"Change e-mail address"}%
%TMPL:P{context="passwords_modifyable" then="changeemailform" else="nochangeemail"}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%


%TMPL:DEF{"nochangeemail"}%<!-- -->
%MAKETEXT{"Your registered e-mails are used by Foswiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes."}%
%MAKETEXT{"You change your e-mail address by setting the form field called Email in your user topic. If this form field does not exist it will look for a line like this"}%:

   * Set Email = <nop>user@example.com=

%MAKETEXT{"If your old e-mail addresses are all invalid (you can't receive mail there any more) and you have forgotten your password, please contact [_1] for help." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"changeemailform"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"formtitle"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"formstartstep"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"loginstep"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"newemailaddressstep"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"passwordstep"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"formbuttons"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"formendstep"}%<!-- -->
%TMPL:P{"formvalidation"}%<!-- -->
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"formtitle"}%<!-- -->
%MAKETEXT{"This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered addresses are used by Foswiki for sending you e-mails, including notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will *not* be published anywhere on this site."}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"formstartstep"}%<!-- -->
<div class="foswikiFormSteps">
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"formstart"}%<!-- -->
<form name="changeEmailAddressForm" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"manage"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="TopicName" value="%TOPIC%" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="changePassword" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="%GMTIME{"$epoch"}%" />
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%



%MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]" args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%
<!-- -->%{

%TMPL:DEF{"loginstep"}%%IF{"$USERNAME ingroup 'AdminGroup'" 
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"loginstep::admin"}%<!-- -->
<div class="foswikiFormStep">
  <h3 >
  <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="username" value="%URLPARAM{"username" default="%USERNAME%"}%" size="40" class="foswikiInputField required" />
  <div class='foswikiFormDescription'>
    %MAKETEXT{"*Administrators:* You can change user's e-mail address using this form. Enter the users Login or WikiName and the new e-mail address."}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"loginstep::user"}%<input type="hidden" name="username" value="%USERNAME%" />%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"passwordstep"}%%IF{"$USERNAME ingroup 'AdminGroup'" else="$percntTMPL:P{\"passwordstep::user\"}$percnt"}%%TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"passwordstep::user"}%<!-- -->
<div class="foswikiFormStep">
  <h3 >%MAKETEXT{"Password"}%:</h3>
  <input type="password" autocomplete="off" name="oldpassword" value="%URLPARAM{oldpassword}%" size="40" class="foswikiInputField required" />

  <div class="foswikiFormDescription">
    %MAKETEXT{"You are required to enter your password to change your e-mail address."}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"formbuttons"}%<!-- -->
<div class='foswikiFormStep foswikiFormButtons'>

<div class="foswikiFormDescription">
  %MAKETEXT{"After submitting this form the e-mails will be changed."}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"newemailaddressstep"}%<!-- -->
<div class="foswikiFormStep">
  <h3 >%MAKETEXT{"New e-mails"}%:</h3>
  <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="email" size="80" class="foswikiInputField required email" value="%IF{"$USERNAME ingroup 'AdminGroup'" else="%FORMATLIST{"%USERINFO{format="$emails"}%" split="\s*,\s*" separator=" "}%"}%" />

  <div class="foswikiFormDescription">
    %MAKETEXT{"Specify one or more space separated emails."}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"submit"}%<!-- -->
%BUTTON{"%MAKETEXT{"Change e-mail address"}%" %IF{"not context passwords_modifyable" then="disabled=\"on\""}% type="submit" icon="email_edit" class="jqSimpleModalOK"}%
<!-- -->%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"formvalidation"}%<!-- -->
%JQREQUIRE{"validate"}%<!-- -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(function($) { 
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