
So far built by Foswiki:Main.SvenDowideit based on the Silk ones above, except for
  1. the XML icon - which comes from Error: can't fetch image from 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:XML_icon.svg': 500 Can't connect to commons.wikimedia.org:443 (connect: Network is unreachable)
  2. the targets which are based on - http://www.favicon.cc/?action=icon&file_id=37384
  3. the Universal edit icons are based on the current (dec 2009) svg
  4. hand made done, closed, todo, updated icons - yes, ok, so i'm not an artist.
  5. external sites icons like skype are made using their favicons


bullet find.png package find.png tag find.png bullet aqua.png bullet box blue.png bullet box aqua.png tag magenta.png bullet box green.png tag brown.png flag gray small.png bullet box purple.png bullet box red.png bullet box yellow.png bullet box orange.png bullet box black.png flag gray.png line ur.png line ld.png line rd.png line udlr.png

dot ud.png line ur gray.png line lr.png dot ul.png dot lrd.png line lrd.png dot udl.png line udl.png dot ur.png dot udr.png line udr.png dot ld.png dot ulr.png line ulr.png dot rd.png dot udlr.png line ud.png dot lr.png line ul.png XML icon.png

target green.png target gray.png target.png target blue.png target red.png target orange.png uweb g12.png uweb m12.png uweb o12.png uweb bo.png uweb g.png uweb o.png uweb go.png uweb gs.png uweb oo.png uweb os.png uweb bo12.png done.png updated.png closed.png

todo.png foswiki.png skype.png bug.png

See also: FamFamFamContrib, DocumentGraphics, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons
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