Welcome to the SBC Board of Directors Wiki

This Wiki platform is for the use of Sweet Briar's board members, senior staff and executive assistants of the senior staff. Wiki is a secure, cloud-based platform and is used to share meeting agendas, minutes, reports to the board, board bylaws, supporting documents, etc. for all board members to access at any time. Materials are posted to Wiki in advance of meetings for review and can be edited, deleted or added to at any time, "real time."

Only those who have assigned usernames and self-generated passwords can access Wiki. Only the user has access to their password so in case of lost or forgotten password, simply choose the reset option. Retired board members or staff who are no longer with the College will no longer have access.

There are two sections within our Wiki platform. The first, Board of Directors Private, is accessible by all those mentioned above and can be entered by selecting the hyperlink below. The second, Board of Directors Confidential Internal, can only be accessed by active members of the board, and again, can be accessed via the hyperlink. If you have any problems with access, please contact Dawn Gatewood, dgatewood@sbc.edu or 434-381-6202.
Board of Directors Private Wiki
Board of Directors Confidential Internal Wiki

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